Static extension functions for Graphics2. Usage: "using kha.graphics2.GraphicsExtension;"

Static methods

staticdrawAlignedCharacters (g2:Graphics, text:Array<Int>, start:Int, length:Int, x:Float, y:Float, horAlign:HorTextAlignment, verAlign:VerTextAlignment):Void

staticdrawArc (g2:Graphics, cx:Float, cy:Float, radius:Float, sAngle:Float, eAngle:Float, strength:Float = 1, ccw:Bool = false, segments:Int = 0):Void

Draws a arc.



(optional) Specifies whether the drawing should be counterclockwise.


(optional) The amount of lines that should be used to draw the arc.

staticdrawCircle (g2:Graphics, cx:Float, cy:Float, radius:Float, strength:Float = 1, segments:Int = 0):Void

Draws a circle.



(optional) The amount of lines that should be used to draw the circle.

staticdrawCubicBezier (g2:Graphics, x:Array<Float>, y:Array<Float>, segments:Int = 20, strength:Float = 1.0):Void

Draws a cubic bezier using 4 pairs of points. If the x and y arrays have a length bigger then 4, the additional points will be ignored. With a length smaller of 4 a error will occur, there is no check for this. You can construct the curves visually in Inkscape with a path using default nodes. Reference:

staticdrawCubicBezierPath (g2:Graphics, x:Array<Float>, y:Array<Float>, segments:Int = 20, strength:Float = 1.0):Void

Draws multiple cubic beziers joined by the end point. The minimum size is 4 pairs of points (a single curve).

staticdrawPolygon (g2:Graphics, x:Float, y:Float, vertices:Array<Vector2>, strength:Float = 1):Void

Draws a convex polygon.

staticfillArc (g2:Graphics, cx:Float, cy:Float, radius:Float, sAngle:Float, eAngle:Float, ccw:Bool = false, segments:Int = 0):Void

Draws a filled arc.



(optional) Specifies whether the drawing should be counterclockwise.


(optional) The amount of lines that should be used to draw the arc.

staticfillCircle (g2:Graphics, cx:Float, cy:Float, radius:Float, segments:Int = 0):Void

Draws a filled circle.



(optional) The amount of lines that should be used to draw the circle.

staticfillPolygon (g2:Graphics, x:Float, y:Float, vertices:Array<Vector2>):Void

Draws a filled convex polygon.